Arbonne offers over 30 years of blending science and nature to give you pure, safe and beneficial results with Arbonne Cosmetics, Skin Care and Health/Wellness products. You can feel great inside and out!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Post

I'm starting a blog today to record my journey with Arbonne.  I joined Arbonne January 1st, 2011.  Amanda Kenney introduced me to Arbonne a year and a half ago when I started hosting parties for her.
I have been using the products for a year and half, but it just recently hit me that I needed to be a part of this team!!  I came to a point where I asked myself, "Why am I not doing this?"  It just made sense that I should sell these products.  In just a month and a half I have already been promoted to district manager and have formed my own team: Denell, Brandi, and Lesa.
I will admit that the incentive trip to the Bahamas this summer did catch my eye before signing up.  I get to stay home with the kids, work around my family's schedule, meet new people, help people with great products, be a part of a team, bring in extra income for my family, party for a living :), and so much more!!

Just a few of my favorite products even before selling:  Hair mask, fizzy tablets, primer, and the BODY FIRMING CREAM!  The body firming cream (just like all their products) sold itself.  I saw a before and after picture of a girl who used the product for 5 days and saw her stretch marks basically disappear.  So after having a 10lb 7oz baby I decided why not try?  So I took a before picture and after picture at day 12.  Wow how impressive.  If you decide to host a party, then I will share this picture with you there.
I will be adding more later.  Hope you decide to follow my blog and my journey with Arbonne.

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