Arbonne offers over 30 years of blending science and nature to give you pure, safe and beneficial results with Arbonne Cosmetics, Skin Care and Health/Wellness products. You can feel great inside and out!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Arbonne Inspirational Quote #1

Who we become depends on who we have helped along the way. -Shane Monday

Wow this quote is so true, not only in my Arbonne business, but in every aspect of my life.  One thing I have really enjoyed so far in my journey with Arbonne are all the people I am able to meet and the lives I am able to be a part of.  I'm so excited that I can bring this great opportunity to others and allow them to stay home with their kids, replace their income, make extra cash, and spend more time with the people they love the most.  What a great gift to give someone!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Supportive Husband

Below is a recommendation from my husband that he posted on linkedin:  Thanks honey!

Nate Petry

, Account Manager, Teletronics Communications, Inc. 

"Yes Jamie is my wife!  Her dedication to helping people is her number one driving motivation for being with Arbonne.  Of course she believes in the product, they are great.  How do I know because I use the men's line and believe me I was a huge skeptic.  But more than her love of the product, as a  mom of 2 young  children she knows first hand that women need to set times when they can get away and  be a little girly.  She loves giving that opportunity to women via her parties.  I would strongly recommend asking her to throw you a party real soon and stick her kids with her husband."  February 26, 2011.

ABC: Arbonne Baby Care

I just recently bought the ABC: Diaper Rash Cream for Katie.  She is 11 months now.  I never really used any diaper rash cream in the past because neither of my children ever experienced diaper rash.  Well Katie has stopped eating baby food and is now experiencing different dirty diapers than usual.  I was SO impressed with Arbonne's diaper rash cream.  It is very light and creamy and goes on so smooth.  A previous diaper rash cream was really thick and I would always have to wash it off her because it would still be on the next day.  This diaper rash cream worked instantly and help heal her butt and reduce redness.  I highly recommend it for your babies and it makes a perfect baby shower gift.  If you are looking for a baby shower gift I would recommend the baby care set as well as the body firming cream for the mother-to-be.  It's personally my favorite product and the 1 product that sold me on Arbonne.  It's so true, the products really do sell themselves.