Arbonne offers over 30 years of blending science and nature to give you pure, safe and beneficial results with Arbonne Cosmetics, Skin Care and Health/Wellness products. You can feel great inside and out!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Arbonne Inspirational Quote #1

Who we become depends on who we have helped along the way. -Shane Monday

Wow this quote is so true, not only in my Arbonne business, but in every aspect of my life.  One thing I have really enjoyed so far in my journey with Arbonne are all the people I am able to meet and the lives I am able to be a part of.  I'm so excited that I can bring this great opportunity to others and allow them to stay home with their kids, replace their income, make extra cash, and spend more time with the people they love the most.  What a great gift to give someone!!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN to that, Jamie! I just love reading about your Arbonne journey and feel truly blessed to be able to have this opportunity with you! It is definitely not about how much you sell, but the awesome conversations, the lives that are impacted, and simply being a part of something way bigger than yourself. I am so excited to see how God continues to use your Arbonne business in your life and the lives of those around you!
